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Freestyle Club

Guided Freestyle/Improvisation Dance and Movement Class.
For students who love to dance! What use are all those skills you've learned if you can't ENJOY using them!
As long as you've got a little pole knowledge (beginner students welcome), and the desire to move your body - you will love this class.

Sexy never left...

Freestyle movement improves your stamina and endurance, it's actually one of our most cardio-challenging classes! It makes you feel free. It allows you to express yourself. It helps you learn about how your body moves.

Lose yourself... You might find yourself... 

The thought of this class might make you feel horribly uncomfortable - but how will you improve without DOING? 
The only way you can get better at freestyle is to MOVE, to make mistakes, but to leave them behind and keep moving!

Strictly limited places.
Freestyle Club is usually held on the first Friday of the Month. Please check the timetable and our Facebook Page for announcements

REQUIREMENT: Everyone must submit at least 1 song choice for the group to dance to. Send your song choices/ideas well in advance to or on the Facebook Event Page.

ANYTHING GOES. If you want to trick out, go for it. If you want to roll about on the floor, go for it. If you want to just bodywave for the whole 8 minute extended mix of your favourite song - DO IT.

Throughout the class we will experiment with some different styles and play some "games" and do some movement exercises to break some barriers and patterns. Usually 3 or 4 exercises per class. The rest of the time will be spent free-dancing to everyone's song choices. 

Dressing up for the occasion encouraged!



In the style of "FIGHT CLUB"
The first Rule of Freestyle Club is; you must talk about Freestyle Club. 
The second rule of Freestyle Club is; you MUST talk about Freestyle Club. 
3rd rule; if you trip or mess up, style it out and keep going. 
4th rule; only one dancer per song, no tag-teaming. 
5th rule; one dancer per pole. 
6th rule; shorts and shoes only. (and a top obvs)
7th rule; the dance will go for as long as the song does. 
8th rule; if this is your First time at Freestyle club, you have to dance! 

Class details



Class length:




First Friday of each month 7pm

2h 00min

Can be included in 5 for £60 Class Pass

Rearrange/transfer your class via BOOKWHEN up to 24 hours before the class with no penalty. If you do not cancel/rearrange prior to the 24 hours you will lose the payment for the class. Payments to 360 Pole Dancing are non-refundable. 

© 2010-2024 360 Pole Dancing


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XPERT is a professional teacher training and a continuing education course. Participants receive a certificate indicating that they have successfully completed the 16-hour course and passed the written and practical exam portions of the training. 

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Certified as an approved pole dance school by the Pole Dance Community.


Representing the highest level of professionalism and teaching quality.

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