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You must be able to invert confidently, with good form/correct technique, without a spotter, to attend this class. We will be working on a wide range of basic inverted tricks, upright holds, and beginning to create aerial combinations.


There is a focus on good form and strength to prepare you for the advanced classes. Prepare to work hard.

If you are new to 360 Pole Dancing, you may be asked to attend a Pole Practice session first for an assessment on your ability level.







Intermediate FLOOR & FLOW.
The first class of each month is "Floor & Flow" where we wear high heels and work on dance movement, sequences, floorwork tricks, and transitions to feel more confident wearing heels while dancing, and learning to link moves!
In Intermediate F&F we will learn longer sequences with floor-to-pole and pole-to-floor transitions, and more difficult floorwork tricks.
F&F is marked on the booking system, and in your booking reminder.
Bring your HEELS. KneePads/Legwarmers optional.

Class details



Class length:




Monday 6pm

Wednesday 7:30pm (8pm Jul/Aug/Dec)


Class Pass: 5 Classes for £60. Must be used within 42 days. Please purchase on Bookwhen.

Rearrange/transfer your class via BOOKWHEN up to 24 hours before the class with no penalty. If you do not cancel/rearrange prior to the 24 hours you will lose the payment for the class. Payments to 360 Pole Dancing are non-refundable. 

© 2010-2024 360 Pole Dancing


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X-Pert Certified levels 1 and 2 lcon
X-Pert Certified levels 3 and 4 icon

XPERT is a professional teacher training and a continuing education course. Participants receive a certificate indicating that they have successfully completed the 16-hour course and passed the written and practical exam portions of the training. 

Pole Dance Community Approved School icon, red writing with a green tick

Certified as an approved pole dance school by the Pole Dance Community.


Representing the highest level of professionalism and teaching quality.

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