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Intro to Spinning Pole 15th Sept 2018

Learn the basics of spinning pole technique. The pole turns freely on a bearing race, creating a beautiful "music box" rotating effect on even static poses. The challenge is CONTROLLING IT! Workshop includes upright spins, climbs and transitions and a sequence to take away. Suitable for anyone who has completed Beginners Pole! You must be able to hold your body weight off the floor with bent arms. £20 Book in on the website Or speak to your instructor at the studio.

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XPERT is a professional teacher training and a continuing education course. Participants receive a certificate indicating that they have successfully completed the 16-hour course and passed the written and practical exam portions of the training. 

Pole Dance Community Approved School icon, red writing with a green tick

Certified as an approved pole dance school by the Pole Dance Community.


Representing the highest level of professionalism and teaching quality.

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