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"I Put A Spell On You" Show 10th November 2018

"I Put A Spell On You" - All things mystical and magical.

Doors open from 6:30pm, show from 7-ish. Shouldn't be later than 10pm finish, but the bar will be open later for the unofficial after-party.

Tickets are £7.50 (however you pay). Profits will go to the studio repair fund. Strictly limited numbers - previous shows have been sold out well in advance, so don't miss out!

TICKETS AVAILABLE Sunday 14th October 9pm

Show is IN THE STUDIO. There will be a cash-only bar. (Nearest Cashpoint is inside Asda)

I would love to see as many of you attending as possible! See what your classmates have been working on, and get inspiration to maybe put a routine together yourself in the future!

Please invite your friends and family to see what pole with 360 is all about! It's not a show without an audience, so we need to you to invite people!

I will also need VOLUNTEERS to help with the show! If you want to be part of the show, but performing is not for you:

Ticket sales/door management


Fire stewards

Pole cleaners (Strong/experienced pole climbers!)

Stage Management (my husband usually does this, but if anyone has experience of this, that would be great!)


Photographer/Video Recording

Hair/Makeup to get everyone looking fabulous!

Anyone who can help out with lighting/sound etc.

(tickets go live Sunday 14th Oct 9pm)

© 2010-2024 360 Pole Dancing


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XPERT is a professional teacher training and a continuing education course. Participants receive a certificate indicating that they have successfully completed the 16-hour course and passed the written and practical exam portions of the training. 

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Representing the highest level of professionalism and teaching quality.

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